If you have a group that you ride with or a club that you belong to, this is the place to make sure everyone else knows what's going on with you. See the very bottom of this page for "how to" send us text or photos for use on this page.
Motorcycle clubs or groups should submit their information, through any email button on this site, including a contact person so we can start a page of their very own. Even tho Jacksonville, Florida is our home, this board is open to anyone anywhere and all submissions are subject to approval for content. Please, remember that this is a "G" rated place that we think is family friendly.
Photos can be up to five megabytes in size and JPEG format is preferred although we can work with just about anything. Text can be emailed and we will edit for content and post it as we get it. When you send a photo, make sure you send it with the text you want published. If there is more than one photo please indicate which article, event or whatever it goes with. It would be wise to include a contact phone number so we can contact you with whatever questions we might have.
Motorcycle clubs need to send an image of your colors that will be posted under the header announcing your club. It would be good to have the colors worn or placed on a motorcycle for the photograph. Club logos or graphics are fine, too. Whatever we can place below the title header works for us if it works for you...