This is the place to post pics of your pick for Hottest Babe or Hottest Dude and then vote and tell your friends to come here and vote and try to bribe the judges...........
Seriously, if you have a photo of someone you think could win this monthly contest based strictly on the number of votes submitted, click on the "Contact Us" link on the main page to find out how to do it. You can submit photos of whoever you want--even yourself--as often as you like. As much as it pains us to say this, we reserve the right to decide whether or not to post any submitted photo.
All things said, let the contest begin! We are working to find some kind and generous restruaunt or pub or somthing to supply us with some sort of gift certificate or whatever for the winners and we intend to have a yearly contest to find the Babe & Dude of the year. MAYBE we can find another really cool someone to offer up a really special once-a-year grand prize or something.......

To vote for your favorite Babe or Dude, click on the spinning "e mail" below and type the babe or dudes name in the subject line and click send. Votes are counted at the end of the month and the winners will be announced on this page within the first week of the following month. Simple, huh????