A Day In Paradise Productions..Who We Are & What We Do
Basically, we are a bunch of motorcyclists with day jobs who saw a serious need for a place where like minded people could come for information on activities that are centered around the riding life. There are a lot of fun things that go on in our city--if you can hear about them or stumble onto them.
Over many conversations and events we decided to try a web site for the entertainment and enlightenment of anyone who wants to submit information and read what others have to offer. We don't care where you live......if you know it, post it.......you are not the only rider/racer/stunter/boarder/singer/model or whatever in your neck of the woods and we want to help you let everyone else know what's going on!
We promote. We market. We produce. We have photographers, videographers and access to several recording studios. We do a lot of events just for the photos and videos. We inform when we have information and we will depend mostly on you for that. Help us out!!!!
Terrence "T-Hi" Hightower